About Us:
Established in June 2005, Books by Mail (BBM) is a service for residents of Fresno County who because of advanced age and/or disability cannot come into their local library branch. We classify these people as "at-home borrowers". Most of these Library customers have a friend, relative or neighbor who can pick up and drop off books and other materials for them. The Books by Mail Service was created for customers who lack such help. If you or a loved one falls into this category, please fill out the BBM application and send it in. Be sure to enclose a copy of a document indicating you are disabled (which can be as simple as a doctor's note). We'll be happy to be of service to you.
- Phone: 559-600-7323
- Contact form: Ask A Librarian
Some Customer Reviews:
- "That's a great service you have there." M.A., age 82, Fresno
- "I have difficulty with mobility. Books-by-Mail is a terrific service for people like me." C.S. age 51, Selma
- "I could no longer get to the Library. Now the books come to me and I can read all my favorite authors." C.M., age 75, Fresno
SIGN UP NOW - Print and mail this form if you’d like to enroll now or contact the library if you’d like the application mailed to your home.
FAQ: Books by Mail Service |
Who is eligible for the Books by Mail Service? Fresno County residents who have a medically documented disability that prevents them from coming into the Library to use its facilities and resources and do not have a relative, friend, or caretaker who can visit a library branch or mobile library on their behalf are eligible. What can I borrow? Books, CDs and audio books can be mailed to your home at no cost. A specific title, author or subject may be requested. If you prefer, we can select titles for you based on your Patron Reading Interests form. For how long can I borrow materials? We will check everything out to you on your Fresno County Public Library card for 5 weeks, which includes delivery time from the Library to you and then from you back to the Library. If you need more time, you can renew by calling 600-7323 or by using the Library’s online catalog. How many items can I borrow at one time? You can borrow as many items as can easily fit in the reusable mailbag. This is usually about 3 items. When you return those items, we will send you additional items. Can I reserve a title that is not available right now?
If a title you request is part of the Library collection, but is not currently available, we will reserve it for you and send it to you in a future delivery. If you request, we can send you other materials by the same author or on the same subject. How will I receive and return what I borrow? Everything will be sent to your home via the U.S. Postal Service in a reusable mailbag with a pre-addressed and pre-paid return mailing card enclosed each time. When you are ready to return all the materials to the Library, leave the mailbag with your mail carrier or have someone take it for you to the post office. Mailbags may also be returned to any branch library during open hours or, if they fit, deposited in book drops during closed hours. What happens if I’m late returning materials or lose something? If you keep material beyond the due date, there’s a 90 day grace period. However, you are responsible for replacing or paying for lost or damaged material. How do I register for Books by Mail?
Contact: 559-600-7323 We will mail you an application & Patron Interest form. Fill out and return to the Central Library. Your application will be evaluated and you will be notified of the status. What else must I know about Books by Mail?
If your library card has any outstanding fines still due, you must pay them below $10.00 before we start service. If you need to clear your account, you may:
Fresno Central Library 2420 Mariposa St Fresno CA 93721 Attn: Books by Mail |